May 23Liked by Amanda Schuster

I feel this in so many ways. Clearly the getting paid in "exposure" rings a bell.

But also, as a small publisher who wants our books to be present at events. Shipping books there, hoping you didn't ship WAY more than we can sell, and then shipping unsold books back home. That's not cheap.

Bonus points for 98% of potential buyers expecting every book to be on Amazon discounted to $25.

Not to mention that social media has become so pay-to-play that it's damn near impossible for authors who aren't already "viral" from something else to reach their audience.

Anyhow, thank you for writing this. I was nodding vociferously throughout.

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People seriously have no idea what it takes to hold up even a single copy of a book at an event. It’s out of pocket no matter the situation.

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